Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Stories about Arthur

What I like to remember about Arthur...


I remember when Arthur was one of the youngish, smallish guys on the dragonboating team.  I think there’s a pretty good chance that I yelled at him a couple of times on the boat.  (It’s my job. Really.)  He was so nice that he never yelled back and he definitely corrected his paddling stroke.  He became one of the regular LARD paddlers so I would come back every spring to see Arthur showing up for another season.  Somewhere, somehow, he developed a legendary stomach and could out-eat anyone on the team.  One summer – he grew 16” inches taller than me and thankfully, he was a much better paddler by this point, so I could stop yelling at him. 


I also remember that he was a kind, calm, generous in giving a helpful hand, sweet guy and a great member of the LARD family.  I am very, very sorry that he is gone.  I hope that where he is now, he will find it totally funny that I am propagating the legend of his appetite and tremendous growth spurt.


Huay Wee

a drummer for LARD

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