Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Missing Arthur

I don’t remember when I first met Arthur, but I remember him as always being part of the LARD family.  He was always pleasant to be around, a really positive person.


On my first trip to Vancouver in 2004, I had the pleasure of eating dinner with Arthur.  I had planned to eat dinner alone that Saturday, but ran into Arthur in the elevator as he was also going to dinner alone.  So we went to eat across the street from the hotel.  I was exhausted, but he was his normal upbeat self.  His company and enthusiasm helped me enjoy the victories of the day.  He seemed to have a child-like view of everything around him as new and exciting.  What stood out in my mind that night was Arthur hearing an old Wall of Voodoo song for the first time and recognizing the lead singer’s voice had an uncanny resemblance to our own Scott Wu.  We had a good laugh over it. 


I always felt he had the same energy about him as my oldest child. Sometimes he would be standing next to me and I would want to reach over and kiss the top of his head as I do my son.  I would have embarrassed myself if I had, but I wish I could do it now.


Susan Foley


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