Friday, December 28, 2007

Arthur Yeh


I was very fortunate to have met Arthur earlier this year through Matthew Long (Art’s college pal).  Matt had recommended Art for the internship position with the recording department at Cartoon Network Studios.

During his interview, Art was so laid back and easy to talk to, I knew right away that he was the intern for us.  I remember telling him, jokingly, that part of the intern's responsibility would be washing the recording engineer's car, going on coffee runs, and cleaning up the recording studio after the messy actors left.  He just smiled and said, "sure no problem."

As an intern, Art immediately demonstrated excellent work ethics and use of discretion.  He was a fast learner, well organized, and completed every assignment with detail and care.  Often, I would try to convince him to take a break or go home early, but he would just keep on working.  When he finished a task, he would check back to see if there was anything more that he could help out with.  He was a pleasure to work with, a manager's dream come true. 

While sitting in on the recording sessions, Art had a chance to meet a lot of voice over actors.  He enjoyed listening to their banter and was amazed at how talented they were.  After the session, Art would walk out with a smile. 

When Art returned for a second internship, he would stop by to say hello and I would tease him, saying "better not forget about us here in recording."  Most interns come and go, but Art was someone we wanted to stay.  I know that had a position opened up, he would have been hired, and he would have quickly become a successful artist. 

Even though I only knew Art for a short time, I will never forget his warm smile and cheerful disposition.  He will be missed by us all.  


Karie Gima Pham

Cartoon Network Studios

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